Legal Governing Documents
Monhegan Associates Inc. Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation – This is the overarching legal document that governs the associates.
Land Stewardship:
Stewardship Plan, 2004– This is the stewardship plan that was written and approved by the Trustees in 2004 and remains in effect as the principle guiding document for day to day oversight and management of the land.
Proposed Stewardship Plan revision, 2016 – This reflects a significant effort to update the 2004 plan. In the end it was never ratified by the Trustees, but contains much valuable insight and thinking about the stewardship of the land.
Please refer to our Land Use and Stewardship Policy page for more detailed information about the Monhegan Associates approach to stewarding our lands.
Annual Meeting of Members
In accordance with our bylaws we hold an annual meeting of our members, trustees and officers in August of each year. This meeting is open to the public and we encourge all who are interested to attend.