In 2005 MAI asked the Maine Conservation Corps for their recommendations about how to restore and maintain the trails. Their recomendations have provided a basis for our trail stewardship since. The Lobster Cove Trail reconstruction project, funded by the Monhegan Associates and a grant from the Recreational Trails Program, was completed in 2010 by a crew from the Maine Conservation Corps and volunteers on the island. In 2016 The Pebble Beach Trail (#14)  to Pebble Beach was successfully rerouted around a large area of erosion to allow access to this popular destination.

Since 2013 an on-island seasonal forestry management crew has worked in the spring and fall to keep trails in good condition.  During the summer months we welcome help from volunteers as well.

Between the months of June and Septmeber members of the MAI Trails Commitees host weekly trail work meetups each Wednesday morning at 9am. For those that are on the island for extended periods of time we also have an ADOPT-A-TRAIL program. If you are interested in getting involved while you are visiting Monhegan look for signs around the village or contact our Wildlands Coordinator at:

The TRAIL POLICY provides guidelines for those who work to maintain trails.