By Check

By Paypal or Credit Card:

By Text


By Donor Advised Fund

By Qualified Charitable Distribution

A Gift of Stock

A Gift in Your Will

There are several convenient and secure ways to donate to the ongoing work of the Monhegan Associates. One can make a one-time donation by sending us a check, by using Paypal, or even sending a quick text. We also welcome gifts in the form of Donor Advised Funds and Qualified Charitable Distributions.  Please see information about all of these options below and do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@monheganassociates.org for more information.

While Monhegan Associates, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization that accepts tax exempt donations, none of the information on this page is offered as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult a qualified financial advisor or estate attorney.

MAI has sponsored the video above showing many surprising ways that you can support us financially and maximize the effect of your donation, both to you and to the MAI. Its worth the watch.

Maximizing Your Philanthropy

Maximizing Your Philanthropy is a 3-part series of interactive web meetings that the Associates has organized for those who have a special place in their hearts for Monhegan Island! The series, entitled “Maximizing Your Philanthropy, Minimizing Risk,” focusses on philanthropy that makes a difference in the lives of donors, enhances a charity’s endowment /mission /programs, and changes the way we consider assets.

Please view our Gift Acceptance Policy for more information about donating to the Monhegan Associates.

Thank you for your generous support of Monhegan Associates’ efforts to protect and preserve the wildlands of Monhegan.*

*This information is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an estate attorney.